Call for sessions Italian C++ Conference 2020 – June 13 (Online)
Read here and then submit your proposal
Currently, we accept talk proposals in both English and Italian (if you are confident with both, consider English).
Talks can be 30-min or 50-min long, however we are open to other session lengths and formats. In case, please reach out.
You can submit more than one talk.
You should submit a talk about anything you think it’s worth sharing with the C++ Community.
Important: We maintain a list of “hot topics” emerged from feedback got at our events. These topics are listed after the submission form.
For example, have you learned something interesting about C++, maybe a new technique possible in C++14/17? Or perhaps you have implemented something cool related to C++, maybe a new C++ library.
As C++ developers, C++ is important to us. However, we are happy to host talks on other topics that can inspire us.
The Italian C++ Conference – as any other activity organized by the Italian C++ Community – abides by the Italian C++ Community Code of Conduct.
Submissions deadline is February 16 with decisions sent by March 7.
Voting and decisions
The Italian C++ Conference has no real dedicated program committee, all attendees of the past, the Italian C++ Community staff and this year speakers are included in this voting. Each vote is between 0 – 5 points per talk. Visible in the voting tool are usually only the talk info (title, abstract, notes only if important for the voting), staff members only are able to see also the speaker name and bio. More details on this once the voting begins.
Final decision is then made once the voting deadline has passed.
Can you give financial assitance to speakers?
Short answer: unfortunately we can’t.
Long answer: since the event is totally not-for-profit, we have a very limited budget. The entrance fee will be very low (10€) just to soften the drop rate. The event relies on sponsors to cover the main expenses (food, drinks, setting, video recordings, etc). Clearly, in the rare case sponsorship funds exceed, our priority is to give speakers some form of reimbursement.
Are you planning a speakers dinner before the conference?
Answer: defintely yes. The dinner will be reserved for speakers, staff and a few selected special guests. You can bring one guest.
Can you help find hotels around?
Answer: we can recommend some hotels we know but, in our opinion, the best option for you is searching Booking, Expedia or similar websites.
Submit your proposal!
Hot topics
Most wanted topics from our past events attendees. The upper, the more wanted.
Shout-out to Michele skypjack Caini for having organized such a list.
- More on C++17/20 (aka Modern C++) and metaprogramming
- Software Architecture, software design, design patterns and best coding practices in C++
- Multithreading, concurrency and parallel computing (with or without the standard library)
- Reports on real-world applications (possibly with modern C++)
- Qt/QML/KDE/JUCE/console graphics (ie ncurses)/AOB in C++
- Optimizations/HPC/Performance/SIMD
- AI/Machine learning
- Videogames development in C++
- Functional programming in C++ and its applications
- Existing frameworks (ie Poco, Boost C++, libuv, Asio, …) integration
- Debugging/Profiling tools (ie valgrind, heaptrack, sanitizers, …)
- Cross compilation
- WebAssembly
- Coroutines (and networking, possibly)
- Computer graphics/3D rendering
- Live coding and hot reload
- Mobile programming in C++
- Modules
- Ranges
- Continous integration
- Productionalisation
- Reflection in C++: present and future
- Comparison between C++ an other languages (ie C++ vs Rust)
- Concepts
- Microservices
- Async programming and existing frameworks
- Blockchain
- C++ for heterogeneous architectures
- Variadic templates
- Low level programming
- Toolchains items for C++ (test platform, code analisys and so on)
- Misra/Autosar/Embedded C++
- Executors (how to build one for the GPU)
- Ways of managing error handling (std::except, std::exception, boost::outcome)
- Real time simulation
- Digital Twin
- On Board Diagnostics
- Futures, channels, …
- Constexpr extensions (ie constexpr dynamic allocation)
- WinRT
- Unit testing
- Regex